Web Design


At Magic Towers we specialise in custom web application development, from static websites to interactive web applications and ecommerce platforms. We help companies build online presence and provide convinient customer expiremce.


Software development requires requirements gathering and thorough planning. Our team of experts conduct consultative meetings to explore your business needs and thetype of website you require.

After requirement gathering our software development team develops a demo as per the client's requirement.

After approval of the prototype our developers start the development of the web application as per the feedback of the prototype.

We help our clients the best hosting plans for their business. After the development of application we host it on the choosen package. We also help with email creation and configuration.

We also provide support for the developed applications.

Custom Solutions

Unique solutions specifically tailored for you business reqirements. At Magic Towers we allow our clients to be part of their project deployement from concept to reality.

App Integration

We provide App integration such as social media widgets to websites.

Cpanel Hosting

Cpanel management, Domain registration & transfer, Business Emails.

Some of Our Work

A real estate tycoon tha is based in Gaborone Botswana. We have developed a website for the agency that inlude a property listing module and WhatsApp Widget.
URL: https://www.lesedilebone.co.bw


Kalafhi Medical center is a private clinic with multipe branches across Gaborone. We have developed a website for them that include news blog, career portal, WhatsApp Widget and many more.
URL https://www.kalafhi.co.bw


An international petrolium company that has multiple branches across the globe. We developed a website for them that outlies all their services as well as their branch information including location and contacts.
URL: https://www.petrolland.net


A logistics company based in Gaborone Botswana. We have developed a website for them that has a application for transport reservation and WhatsApp Widget.
URL: https://kgalaslogistics.com


A company that specializes on minning and industrial supplies. We have developed a website that has capabilities such as company profile download and WhatsApp Widget.
URL: https://www.horizons.co.bw


A corporate commercial law firm based in Gaborone Botswana. We have develeoped a website for the firm which include a news blog, careers portal and online appointment chatbot
